When We Were Vikings

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

When We Were Vikings
by Andrew David MacDonald

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Publication Date: January 28 2020


Pages: 336
ISBN: 9781982126766
Genre: Contemporary | Adult Fiction
Source: Library

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Synopsis: Zelda is a twenty-one-year-old Viking enthusiast diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome who lives with her older brother Gert. To help make sense of her world, Zelda often compares it to the Viking world.

When Zelda finds out that Gert has been doing some dangerous and questionable things to help make enough money to pay their bills, Zelda goes on her own quest to save him. Her main objective is to be legendary, just like the Vikings.

Zelda finds herself in a battle that tests her own heroism, Viking strength, and her relationship with Gert.

Review: I can't say enough good things about this book. It's astonishing that this is Mr. MacDonald's first published book because it's incredible. It's a coming-of-age story that has well-developed and ability diverse characters. It's intricately plotted with an amusing tone and engaging writing style.

I picked this story because of the cover. It's beautiful with blue and purple tones and little golden specks. The cover photo doesn't even do it justice, in person the design is flawless and detailed.

Zelda is one of the strongest characters I have ever read. I've read a lot of dystopian books, with unexpected heroes and young girls rising to power through rebellions, but there is nothing comparable to Zelda. Gert's ex-girlfriend, AK47, is such a strong feisty character herself. I just loved all of the strong female characters in this story and the fact that the female characters save themselves and support each other.

“Sometimes life finds us, and when it does we have to rise to the occasion and have courage. And we make lists, rules, and try to order things, trying to control them, when actually the most important parts of life, the parts really worth cherishing, are the things that we don't expect.”
― Andrew David MacDonald, When We Were Vikings

I would recommend this story to anyone who is looking for a perfect coming-of-age story. Anyone who reads it will be completely mesmerized and hooked on Zelda's character.

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