The Witch Collector

Friday, December 31, 2021

(Witch Walker, #1)
by Charissa Weaks

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Publication Date: Nov 2 2021
Publisher: City Owl Press
Pages: 343
ISBN: 9781648980442
Genre: Fantasy | Young Adult
Source: ARC eBook

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Available for Purchase: Amazon Barnes & Noble


Synopsis: Every harvest moon, the Witch Collector rides into the valley and takes on the witches back to Winterhold to protect the immortal Frost King. Collection day is a day many families fear because the witches never return from Winterhold and their families never hear from them again. 

For 24 years the Witch Collector has passed Raina by, but not this year. Raina has one desire - to kill the Front King and the Witch Collector for taking her sister 8 years ago. But before Raina can kill the Witch Collector, an unexpected enemy sets fire to Raina's world, and the only way for Raina to save her sister and their empire is to help the Witch Collector save the Frost King. 

Raina sets out with the Witch Collector on a harrowing journey that tests her strength and determination but what Raina learns along the way is that sometimes the lines blur between good and evil and that people are not always as they seem and sometimes the villain is a hero in disguise - including the Witch Collector.

Review: This book!! Once I started it, I couldn't put it down. It was so captivating and Charissa instantly drew me into her worldbuilding. Initially, I came across this book and fell in love with the cover, knowing that I had to have it. I wasn't sure if the story would be good or not because at the time there weren't very many reviews about it and I've never read anything by Charissa Weaks. I am so glad that I decided to take a chance on this story.

I love how well everything is explained and that the backstory with the Gods and Kings/Queens is laid out throughout the story and not a huge info dump at the beginning - because oftentimes that is confusing for me and hard to follow. This book is so detailed that it is easy to imagine the world and the unbearable cold and ice.

Let's talk about the characters for a second - there are so many strong females in this story. So many!! Raina is such a strong powerful character and her best friend Helena- also strong and amazing! Huge shout to the author for having the main character be mute. Also - so many people of color and diversity and it's very subtle - the author doesn't obsess over talking about their skin color - it's just casually mentioned like no big deal and then on to the next thing. Can we also just swoon for a minute over the Witch Collector (Alexus)? Seriously, that man is legit boyfriend goals. He is the perfect companion for such a strong female and the way he pushes her and admires her instead of holding her back is just perfection.

“In another life, I would've tried to know her. I would've admired her and read her poems written by my own hand. I would've walked with her through fields of stardrops, danced with her in the stream.” - Alexus
― Charissa Weaks, The Witch Collector

Seriously, I am so glad this is a series because I need to know what happens next with Raina and Alexus! I'm just sad that I have to wait so long for the next one.

Overall I give this book 4.5 stars because the story is so powerful, the characters are complex and dynamic, and the cover art is beautiful.

Special thanks to City Owl Press for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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December Book Haul & Wrap Up

It's the end of a month which means a quick recap on my reading goal and book haul. There were so many books I wanted to buy this month but I held off on the hopes of getting a bunch for Christmas. I actually didn’t end up getting as many as I thought I would but I am so thankful for the ones I did get because they were the ones I wanted the most but also didn’t want to spend my own money on because they tend to be a bit pricer since they are large hardcovers. 

A History of Wild Places by Shea Ernshaw

The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah

The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty

The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Mistletoe Pact by Jo Lovett

Blame It on the Mistletoe by Beth Garrod

My reading goal for December was to read as many Holiday books as possible! I ended up having a disappointing reading month, I only finished two Holiday books and there were so many I wanted to read and just couldn't get to. 

Mistletoe and Mr. Right by Sarah Morgenthaler

So, This is Christmas by Tracy Andreen

The Witch Collector by Charissa Weaks

The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman

Winter Recipes from the Collective by Louise Gluck

How did you do with your monthly reading goal? Did you hit it or fall short? What about your December book haul? Did you get anything really awesome?

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December 2021 TBR

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Happy first day of December, bookworms!

Just like last month my plan is to exclusively read holiday romance. There are still so many that I want to read so I am hoping I’ll be able to get to most of them this month.

Here's what I'm hoping to read this month:

Window Shopping by Tessa Bailey

Mistletoe & Mr. Right by Sarah Morgenthaler

The Holiday Swap by Maggie Knox

Nick and Noel's Christmas Playlist by Codi Hall

The Holiday Switch by Tif Marcelo

Holiday Hotel by Poppy Minnix

Here's to hoping for a great reading month! What about you? What are you reading this month?

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